Trog’s Blog
Trog’s Blog
Category: Golden Retriever Moments
Tags: Birthdays
Our precious Daisy is 12 years old today. She's still loving life, and we love her to pieces. And one of her latest favorite things to do is to subtly . . .
Category: Golden Retriever Portraits
Tags: Smiles
Look at that smile . . . As Ginger nears her first birthday, she is filling out and looking like a dog for crying out loud. We've never seen a puppy so happy and loving life, every day is a celebration.
Category: Golden Retrievers Playing
Tags: Smiles
Paczki doesn't seem too thrilled on this Monday, but Ginger (in front) is ready to lead the pack in a group sing of "Monday, Monday" from the Mamas and the Papas. Really, for no reason at all, have no idea . . . at all, really.
Category: Golden Retriever Moments
Tags: Sleeping
Ginger seems to seek out Paczki when she Paczki is resting comfortably (otherwise known as being a lazy bum) on the couch. On this day she snuggled in good and close with her big sister, and Paczki doesn't seem to mind at all.
Category: Golden Retriever Portraits
Tags: Puppies
As a follow-up to a couple of earlier posts, here is a montage of Ginger at 8 weeks, 3 months, 6 months and now at 9 months old. Yes, Ginger will always be our little one, our puppy.
Category: Golden Retrievers Playing
Tags: Smiles
The girls love going for rides, so on one of the very first warm days of spring Paczki and Ginger were happy to hop in and take a spin around the countryside for a bit with their heads out the window soaking it all in.
Category: Golden Retriever Portraits
Nine month old Ginger and her almost 12 year old sister hanging out on a beautiful spring morning. The energy of youth and the wisdom of the years.
Category: Golden Retrievers Playing
"Slow down, you move to fast. You got to make the morning last . . . " The Simon and Garfunkel song from days gone by fits this image of Ginger and ZuZu, Feelin' Groovy.
Category: Golden Retrievers Playing
Tags: Puppies
Ginger says, "Ah prairie dung, to heck with that bark softly and carry a big stick stuff, just carry a big stick!"
Category: Golden Retrievers Playing
Tags: Puppies
Ginger took a page from Teddy Roosevelt but modified it slightly. But let's be honest, Ginger doesn't really have a soft bark, just sayin'.