Category: Golden Retriever Moments
Tags: Smiles
Puppy Ginger is a very happy golden retriever and celebrates every day. I just happened to catch her when she was blinking while smiling, but it does look like she's putting a good giggle on. Always makes us smile . . .
Category: Golden Retriever Portraits
Tags: Smiles
This image was put together for one of the national dog days or golden retriever day, not sure which one as there are quite a few. But anyway, around here, every day is a Golden Day!
Category: Golden Retriever Portraits
Tags: Smiles
This is a pretty good summation of each of our golden angels: Paczki is Comfort (therapy dog), ZuZu is pure Joy, Daisy is all Love, and little Ginger is Happiness with lots of celebrations. It's a rough life, indeed!
Category: Golden Retriever Portraits
Tags: Smiles
At nine weeks old, and still a little munchkin, it was time to get Ginger used to posing with the pack. She was getting the sit and stay okay, but there was not a lot of sitting or staying at this age . . .
Category: Golden Retriever Portraits
Tags: Smiles
When you approach Paczki and she sees you coming, sometimes she doesn't give you the standard golden smile right away. What happens is that her eyes get all squinty . . .
Category: Golden Retriever Portraits
Tags: Smiles
There's nothing like a beautiful Spring day after a long, cold winter. Grass is green and skies are blue, the flowers are blooming and birds are singing, and the goldens are in full smile mode. What a wonderful, glorious day!